In the U.S. and Canada, to access the IBM Automated Fax System, call1-800-426-3395.Getting help onlineOnline Housecall is a remote communication tool that allows an IBMtechnical-support representative to access your PC by modem. Many problemscan be remotely diagnosed and corrected quickly and easily. In addition to amodem, a remote-access application program is required. This service is notavailable for servers. There might be a charge for this service, depending on therequest.For more information about configuring your PC for Online Housecall: In the U.S., call 1-800-772-2227. In Canada, call 1-800-565-3344. In all other countries, contact your IBM reseller or IBM marketingrepresentative.Getting help by telephoneDuring the warranty period, you can get help and information by telephone throughthe IBM PC HelpCenter.Please have the following information ready when you call: Machine Type and Model Serial numbers of your computer, monitor, and other components, or your proofof purchase Description of the problem Exact wording of any error messages Hardware and software configuration information for your systemIf possible, be at your computer when you call.In the U.S. and Canada, these services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days aweek. In the U.K., these services are available Monday through Friday, from 9:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m.3Country Telephone numberAustria Österreich 01-24 692 5901Belgium - Dutch Belgie 02-210 9820Belgium - French Belgique 02-210 9800Canada Toronto only 416-383-3344Canada Canada - all other 1-800-565-3344Denmark Danmark 35 25 02 91Finland Suomi 09-22 931 840France France 01 69 32 40 403 Response time will vary depending on the number and complexity of incoming calls.Chapter 7. Getting help, service, and information 165