xxvii• Kendall Kinnear is a System Consultant for Clear Technologies, Inc. in Dallas, Texas.Kendall has 26 years experience in the IBM midrange solution, from the System/3,through the System/34 and System/38, to the iSeries server. Kendall bringssubstantial experience from his tenure at companies like IBM, EDS, StorageTek, andJack Henry and Associates. He has experience as a System Programmer, SystemsAnalyst, Systems Engineer, Systems Administrator, Application Programmer,Application Designer, educator, and speaker. He also is an alumni resident fromprevious Handbook and Builder publications.• Miklos David is the iSeries Product Manager from IBM Hungary. He is responsible foriSeries marketing and configuration support countrywide. He has worked for IBM forfive years. He holds a Faculty of Science degree from Eotvos Lorand University.• Michael Harper is an Advisory I/T Specialist from Brisbane, Australia, with 24 years ofIBM experience. He has worked with the AS/400 and its iSeries successor since theirinception in 1988 and also their S/34, S/36, and S/38 predecessors. His previousexperience is in both hardware and software technical support and problemdetermination and now involves pre-sales support in the Australian Techline group.This was Michael’s first ITSO Residency.• Félix Mejía is the iSeries Product Manager from GBM Dominicana, a branch of GBMCorporation, which represents IBM in parts of the Caribbean and Central America. Heis responsible for iSeries marketing, advising, and configuration in the DominicanRepublic. He has worked for GBM since 1998 and is an IBM Certified Specialist. Heholds a Computer Engineering Degree and is completing his MBA studies in thePontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra in the Dominican Republic. This wasFélix’s first ITSO Residency.• Many developers and engineers who assisted in answering questions, providing inputand validating output. Leading in this effort is Dave Wells, and his team of Jerry Allen,Teresa Barre, and Denis Nizinski for input on processors; Jeff Trachy and Jason Cleggfor migration and rules information.• Engineers and product managers who provided technical information, validation, orconsultation: Jenny Wong, IBM Toronto Laboratory Application Development Strategyand Planning, Bill Shaffer, Brand Manager, AS/400e Printing Solutions, Scott Maxson,iSeries Tape Integration, Mike Smith, System Chief Engineering Manager for iSeriesSoftware, Jeff Tenner, Technical Chief Engineering Manager, as well as the followingpeople:Amy AndersonMark AndersonRebecca BoschDavid BruceBarbara FossRandy GrimmKathy Johnson