iSeries and AS/400e Documentation840 iSeries Handbookadvice on how to implement and integrate iSeries products. Redbooks are written by iSeriesprofessionals from around the world.You can obtain more information from the following locations:• To find the latest information on IBM Redbooks including ordering information, visit theRedbook site at:• To view Redbooks on the AS/400 Softcopy Library CD-ROM and the latest iSeries andAS/400e related Redbooks not yet on the current CD-ROM, see the site at:• To learn more about ITSO and how to become a part of our residency program, visitour internal Web site at:• For telephone information call:(800) IBM-4FAX (United States) or(+1) (415) 855-4329 (Outside U.S.A.)and ask for:– Index #4420 Redbooks for the last six months– Index #4421 Abstract for new Redbooks– Index #4422 IBM RedbooksSome of the latest iSeries Redbooks and Redpieces are:• AS/400e to iSeries Migration, SG24-6055•iSeries and AS400e System Builder, SG24-2155• Lotus Domino for AS/400 Internet Mail and More, SG24-5990• DB2 UDB for AS/400 Advanced Database Functions, SG24-4249• AS/400 Remote Access Configuration Examples, SG24-6058•AS/400 Printing V, SG24-2160•iSeries e-business Handbook , SG24-5694•AS/400e Diagnostic Tools for System Administrators , SG24-8253•iSeries in Storage Area Networks: A Guide to Implementing FC Disk and Tape withiSeries , SG24-6220This is a Redpiece, which will be published later in 2001 as a redbook.