IBM Licensed Programs: Application Development Products618 iSeries Handbook• Read source and includes from IFS or native, but still produces *MODULEs in native filesystem• Produce native or IFS spool file listings• Teraspace Phase 2 support• A third parameter for main() contains current set of environment variables• Target V4R4, V4R5, and V5R1• A wider variety of source file CCSIDs• Preprocessor output targeting specified file• A Qshell command for compiling• New LICOPT and CSOPT command keywords• Asynchronous signals• More in-synch with ILE C++In this release, the C++ compiler has also been updated to the most current C++ compilerthat IBM has to offer. This iSeries native compiler replaces both the VisualAge C++cross-compiler and the native C++ PRPQ compiler. It includes support for the latest C++language features such as namespaces, improved template support, bool data type, etc. Italso includes an improved AT&T class library, a complete ANSI Standard Template Library,and the very latest version of IBM Open Class library.Improvements to the stream classes in these libraries include 64-bit indexing and explicitcontrol on CCSID-translation. The compiler can now read source from and produce listings toeither the integrated file system or the native file system. This new compiler also featuresexcellent cross-platform portability, which is again enhanced with new support for theTeraspace memory management model. The compiler retains all of the iSeries-specificfunctionality that it had in previous releases. The C++ PRPQ compiler is included for previousrelease support and to ease migration to the latest ANSI standard.ILE C++ V5R1 enhancements include:• Completely refreshed compiler from latest AIX compiler• More ANSI support• Compliant with the latest ANSI ISO/IEC 14882-1998 C++ standard• Template Library, and namespace support• Replaces VAC++ cross compiler and native PRPQ compiler• New release (V5) of IBM Open Class class libraries bool data type• Read source and includes from IFS or native• Produce native or IFS spooled file listings• 64-bit file indexing for stream classes• Teraspace Addressing support (improves portability/perf)• More explicit control on CCSID-translation for stream classes• A third parameter for main() for current environment vars• Target V4R4, V4R5, and V5R1• Preprocessor output targeting specified file