IBM Licensed Programs: Database Accessories532 iSeries HandbookThe replication features of DB2 DataJoiner are fully compatible with the DataPropagatorlog-CAPTURE and APPLY components for the DB2 Family.IBM replication offers transaction consistency, condensing of hot spot updates tominimize network traffic, change propagation through DB2 views (including join views),and update anywhere replication between DB2 databases with transaction conflictdetection and automatic compensation.DB2 DataJoiner extends this capability with database transparency and automaticgeneration of change capture triggers for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix, Sybase,and Sybase SQL Anywhere.A lightweight, update-anywhere capability with row conflict detection, designed for theMicrosoft Office environment, lets Microsoft Jet and Microsoft Access desktop databaseapplications interoperate with corporate applications through database replication withDB2, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix, Sybase, and Sybase SQL Anywhere.Microsoft Jet is supported for heterogeneous replication only.DataJoiner also provides a graphical user interface administration tool for defining datasources and targets. The Replication Administration tool runs on Windows NT andWindows 95, and in DB2 DataJoiner Version 2.1.1, it will be available only in English.These licensed products are currently included in the DB2 DataJoiner product box.• Net.Data: OS/2, AIX, and Windows NT platforms. Businesses today want to harnessthe power of the Web to reach the global marketplace. With IBM Net.Data, it ispossible to build interactive Web-sites with data from the sources that are availabletoday such as relational data, file data, or even Lotus Notes data.It is also possible to leverage existing client/server applications to the Web using existingbusiness logic. Embed dynamic SQL, Java applets and JavaScripts, Perl, and REXXprogramming in your Net.Data applications, or call DLLs written in C/C++. By exploitingexisting business applications, Web applications are up and running quickly withNet.Data.Note: The Lotus Approach database is not included within IBM DB2 DataJoiner Version2.1.1.Suggested readingFor more information on Lotus Smart suite products, see this Web site: specific hardware and software requirements as well as data sources, see the DataJoinerWeb page at: