870 iSeries HandbookPCI Disk Units 325PCI Ethernet IOA 104, 307PCI ISDN BRI S/T IOA 299PCI ISDN BRI U IOA 298PCI LAN/WAN/Workstation IOP 98, 285PCI Magnetic Media Controller 111, 311PCI Magnetic Media Controller SCSI 111PCI RAID Disk Unit Compression Controller 111,314PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller 311, 313PCI Twinaxial Workstation IOA 97, 298, 307PCI Two-Line WAN IOA 298PCI WAN/Twinaxial IOA 307PDM 619PDU 265, 266performance 42, 43Performance Reduction Option 205Performance Tools for AS/400 719, 817BEST/1-400 Capacity Planner 719Performance Advisor 719Peripheral Component Interconnect 95Permanent Write-Once-Read-Many 387Physical Device Placement Assistant (PDPA) 709Planning Information 58Portable Application Solution Environment 494Portable Application Solutions Environment 25power and packaging 120, 153, 171, 189, 227, 236#7102 108Model 170 106Power Distribution Unit 265, 266PPFA 731PPS software group 94, 95Previous release support 516Print Service Facilities 496Print Services Facility 816Printer load balancing 451Processor based packaged software 94, 95Processor CPW 43Processor Feature 150, 169, 187processors#2292 93#2385 93Product Previews 55Programs within OS/400 490PSF 496PSF/400New in V5R1 497Pthreads 485PULSAR 16QQPRCFEAT system value 119, 150, 169, 187Query for AS/400 535, 817RRacks 243#0551 266RAID Disk Unit Controller 311, 319RAID-5 336RAMP-C 41redbooks 839Relative Performance Rating (RPR) 41Relative System Performance (RSP) 41Remote Control Panel 127, 158, 176, 701Remote controlling system 702Report Layout Utility (RLU) 620Report/Data Archive and Retrieval System(R/DARS) for AS/400 720RISC to RISC Data Migration (#0205) 207RLU 620RLU (Report Layout Utility) 620RPQ 843977 AS/400 DASD Mounting 334RPQ 847102 334RPQ 847102 10K DASD Mounting 334RPQ 847102 10K DASD to PCI Tower/270/8xx 334RPQ 847123 335RPQ 847123 10K RPM DASD Model 170 to 270335RPQ 847125 168RPR (Relative Performance Rating) 41RSP (Relative System Performance) 41SS/36 Environment 477S/38 Environment 477S/390 403SAN 399SB1 791SB2 87SB3 87Screen Design Aid (SDA) 620SDA 620SDA (Screen Design Aid) 620Security 453New with V5R1 454Services Network 709sessions, maximum number of 126SEU 619