Operating System/400 (5722-SS1)504 iSeries HandbookThe iSeries operator can start and stop the Windows NT Server, improving servermanagement in remote branch office and dealership installations. The system operator canalso manage Windows NT disk resources, allocating disk space from the system's disk pool.The system operator can also better manage server operations since hardware errormessages and event logs from the Windows NT server are sent to the system messagequeue. Maintenance costs are reduced compared to a PC-based server, since IntegratedxSeries Server maintenance charges are included in the iSeries server maintenance offering.iSeries integration with the Windows NT Server allows customers to share hardwareresources between the iSeries and Windows NT Servers. The iSeries CD-ROM drive andtape drives can be allocated to Windows NT for installing an application or for data backup.The CD-ROM drive can be concurrently switched among multiple Integrated xSeries Serverand the iSeries servers. Multiple applications can access a CD.Tape backup utilities written for Windows NT can back up data to the system tape drive. BothWindows NT Backup and Seagate Backup Exec Version 6.11 have been tested. Otherbackup utilities written for Windows NT are being tested. For the latest information on producttesting, see: http://www.ibm.com/eserver/iseries/windowsintegration/iSeries Integration with Windows NT Server provides simplified user administration of acombined network environment. Network operators can create both iSeries and Windows NTuser profiles in a single step. Users can change their password on the iSeries server andhave it automatically updated on the Windows NT Server. An iSeries administrator cansubmit Windows NT commands directly to the Windows NT IPCS from the iSeries server withoutput returned to a job log, integrated file system, or spooled file. This saves theadministrator from switching back and forth between the two systems. iSeries integration withWindows NT Server provides an internal connection between the iSeries and Windows NTServer. This internal TCP/IP link provides a reliable and secure connection for applicationsand database integration utilities between the two systems, protecting the application fromlocal area network hub failures.PrerequisiteAn Integrated xSeries Server or Integrated Netfinity Server and a minimum of 64 MB ofmemory are required to install Windows NT Server. A PC screen, keyboard, and mouse mustbe attached to the Integrated xSeries Server (IPCS or Integrated Netfinity Server) to providea console for the Windows NT Server.Integration with Windows Server – New with V5R1iSeries is enhanced at V5R1 with additional Windows server integration facilities. Theseenhancements enable iSeries to support larger and more complex Windows applications andoffer additional tools to help reduce the cost of managing Windows server environments.