Keysight B2900 User’s Guide, Edition 5 4-29Front Panel ReferenceConfig key groupSweep dialog boxThis dialog box provides the following parameters for setting details of the sweepsource operation.Ch Only on 2-channel models. Channel 1 (Ch 1) or 2 (Ch 2)This field specifies the channel set by this dialog box.Sweep Ranging Ranging mode used for the sweep source operation, BEST,AUTO, or FIXED. See Table 4-5 on page 4-29.Sweep Direction Sweep direction, UP (start to stop direction) or DOWN (stopto start direction)Output after Sweep The value the source channel applies after it completes thesweep outputSTART VALUE (START): The source channel changes theoutput to the DC output value just before applying the sweepoutput start value.END VALUE (END): The source channel keeps the outputvalue when the sweep output is stopped.Table 4-5 Ranging Mode used for Sweep Source OperationDescriptionBEST In the linear sweep mode, the sweep source channelautomatically uses the minimum range which covers the wholesweep output.In the log sweep mode, the sweep source channel automaticallyuses the range which provides the best resolution for each sweepstep output.AUTO The sweep source channel automatically changes and sets therange which provides the best resolution to apply the sourceoutput for each sweep step.FIXED The sweep source channel sets the range specified by the rangeparameter Source Volts: Spot or Source Amps: Spot. See “Rangeparameters” on page 4-12.