Keysight B2900 User’s Guide, Edition 5 4-49Front Panel ReferenceI/O key grouptrigger input (TRIGGER IN), or high voltage state(HIGH VOLTAGE LAMP, HI-VOLT LAMP, only forpin 14)If Function is set to HIGH VOLTAGE LAMP, othersetup parameters on this dialog box is ignored.Polarity Polarity of the input/output function, positive(POSITIVE, POS.) or negative (NEGATIVE, NEG.)Output Trigger Type Type of output trigger, edge (EDGE) or level (LEVEL)Output Trigger Timing Timing of the output trigger, after action (arm, trigger,and device action) (AFTER), before action (BEFORE),or both (BOTH)Output Pulse Width Pulse width of the output trigger, 10 s to 10 msFor more information about the trigger function, see “Trigger key group” on page4-37.DIO Read/Write dialog boxThis dialog box provides the following parameters for reading or writing a value setto the Digital I/O interface.Format Format of the value set to the Mask Value field and the Valuefield, binary (BIN), decimal (DEC), or hexadecimal (HEX)Mask Value Mask value which indicates the pattern of the un-used bits ofthe Digital I/O interfaceThe READ assist key is used to read the mask value presentlyset to the Digital I/O interface.The WRITE assist key is used to set the specified mask value tothe Digital I/O interface.Value Value set to the Digital I/O interfaceThe READ assist key is used to read the value presently set tothe Digital I/O interface.The WRITE assist key is used to write the specified value to theDigital I/O interface.