3-32 Keysight B2900 User’s Guide, Edition 5InstallationCommunicating Over the LANTo launch the graphical web interface:1. Open a Web browser on your computer.2. Enter the instrument’s hostname or IP address into the browser’s Address fieldto launch the graphical web interface. The B2900 home page will appear.3. Click on the Browser Web Control button in the navigation bar on the left tobegin controlling your instrument.4. For additional help about any page, click “Help with this Page”.If desired, you can control the access to the graphical web interface using passwordprotection. As shipped from the factory, the password is set to Keysight, keysight, oragilent. To change the password, click on the View & Modify Configuration button.Refer to the online help for additional information about setting the password.Using TelnetThe Telnet utility (as well as sockets), is another way to communicate with B2900without using I/O libraries or drivers. In all cases, you must first establish a LANconnection from your computer to the B2900 as previously described.In an MS-DOS Command Prompt box, type “telnet hostname 5024” wherehostname is the B2900’s hostname or IP address, and 5024 is the instrument’s telnetport. You should get a Telnet session box with a title indicating that you areconnected to the B2900. Type the SCPI commands at the prompt.Using SocketsNOTE Keysight B2900 allows any combination of up to four simultaneous data socket,control socket, or telnet connections to be made.Keysight instruments are standardized on using port 5025 for SCPI socket services.A data socket on this port can be used to send and receive ASCII/SCPI commands,queries, and query responses. All commands must be terminated with a newline forthe message to be parsed. All query responses will also be terminated with anewline.The socket programming interface also allows control socket connections. Thecontrol socket can be used by a client to send device clear and to receive servicerequests. Unlike the data socket, which uses a fixed port number, the port numberfor a control socket varies and must be obtained by sending the following SCPIquery to the data socket: SYSTem:COMMunicate:TCPip:CONTrol?