4-30 Keysight B2900 User’s Guide, Edition 5Front Panel ReferenceConfig key groupRanging dialog boxThis dialog box provides the following parameters for setting details of the autoranging operation for measurements.Ch Only on 2-channel models. Channel 1 (Ch 1) or 2 (Ch 2)This field specifies the channel set by this dialog box.Current Auto Ranging Current measurement auto range operation, NORMAL,SPEED, or RESOLUTION (RESOLN). See Table 4-6.Voltage Auto Ranging Voltage measurement auto range operation, NORMAL,SPEED, or RESOLUTION (RESOLN). See Table 4-6.Threshold Sets the rate value of the formula shown below.Table 4-6 Measurement Auto Range Operation• Basic operationThe channel automatically sets the range which provides the best resolution inperforming the measurement.• Upward changing operationIf measured data value1, the range changes up after the measurement.value1 = measurement range rate / 100• Downward changing operationIf measured data value2, the range changes down immediately.value2 = measurement range rate / 1000DescriptionNORMAL Supports basic operation and downward changing operationdescribed belowSPEED Supports basic operation and upward and downward changingoperations described belowRESOLN Supports basic operation and upward changing operationdescribed below