Keysight B2900 User’s Guide, Edition 5 6-17Function DetailsMath ExpressionMath ExpressionB2900 provides a math function for performing calculations using the measurementresult data. The calculation result can be displayed and used for the limit test andtrace statistics.For the predefined math expressions, see “Predefined Math Expressions”.To define a math expression, see the Keysight B2900 SCPI Command Reference.Math expressions can be defined by using the :CALC:MATH commands. Forresources effective for the expression, see “Resources Used in the Expressions”.To use the math function, see “Math Expression dialog box” on page 4-32.To display the calculation result, see “Graph View” on page 4-19 and “MeasureResult dialog box” on page 4-40.Predefined Math ExpressionsThe following math expressions have already been defined in B2900. Thepredefined math expressions are not cleared by the power off and on operations.• Power (POWER)• Offset Compensated Ohms (OFFCOMPOHM)• Varistor Alpha (VARALPHA)• Voltage Coefficient (VOLTCOEF)In the following formula, [c] specifies the channel (1 or 2) used for themeasurement.POWER Calculates power using the following formula.POWER = VOLT[c] * CURR[c]OFFCOMPOHM Calculates offset compensated ohms (resistance) using the following formula.OFFCOMPOHM = (VOLT[c][1]-VOLT[c][0]) / (CURR[c][1]-CURR[c][0])where, VOLT[c][0] and CURR[c][0] are the data measured with a current outputlevel, and VOLT[c][1] and CURR[c][1] are the data measured with a differentcurrent output level or zero output.