Instruction ManualNivuFlow Mobile 600page 106 NFM 600 - rev. 02 / 10.07.201943 Parameter Menu Quick StartThe >Quick Start< parameter menu is subdivided into three or four pages (depending on thenumber of v-paths). The pages >Region Settings< and >Measure Place< are input pagesused to define the indication of measurement values and the measurement place itself.Pages >v-Path 1< and >v-Path 2< are read-only pages and provide information on the sensorinstallation positions and the signal strength The parameter setting procedure is described in chapter “34 Parameter Settingusing Quick Start”.43.1 Menu >Quick Start< / >Region Settings<Fig. 43-1 Region SettingsUse >Region Settings< to adjust the parameters below:• (Operation) Language• Date Format• Units and Memory Units• Change/synchronise system time and time zone• Storage Mode Operating Mode Storage CycleThe settings are explained in greater detail in chapters “39.2 Region Settings”, “39.3Time/Date” and “39.6 Storage Mode”.