Instruction ManualNivuFlow Mobile 600page 46 NFM 600 - rev. 02 / 10.07.2019Blue flashing in the pause between the first long flash and the five successive flashes indi-cates the number of users logged in: 1x for each user (max. number of possible users loggedin is four). See also chap. “34 General Programming”.The LED is lit in white while the system is booting e. g. after plugging in the rechargeablebattery or after a firmware update. See also chap. “39.5.6 Update NivuFlow”.30 Setting Up Connection30.1 GeneralThe NivuFlow Mobile is operated completely by using a standard smartphone/tablet or vianotebook/PC. Use the preferred display and operation module according to the respectivemanufacturer specifications.The following sections describe the connection setup procedures for Android, iOS and Win-dows.30.2 Android Operating System Preparing the NivuFlow Mobile:1. Ensure power supply: a minimum of one completely charged rechargeable bat-tery pack either plugged into the instrument or alternatively connected via themultifunction socket (see chapter “22.1.3 Operation/Charging via an AlternativePower Supply”).The following step “Wake-Up” can be skipped as soon as the battery pack is in-serted now or when voltage is fed and the connection is set up within the follow-ing five minutes.2. “Waking up” NivuFlow Mobile: hold the accompanying magnet (solenoid, Fig.30-1 no. 2) to the reed contact (Fig. 30-1 no. 1; on front side of NFM) until theLED is lit.Fig. 30-1 Waking up the NivuFlow Mobile Steps on the display and operation module (smartphone, tablet, notebook, PC etc.):1. Start the display and operation module.2. Use the “Settings” symbol (Fig. 30-2 no. 1) to open the according menu.