Parameter SettingNFM 600 - rev. 02 / 10.07.2019 page 91 XXXX_PAR_AABBCCDDEE.xmlThis file contains the entire transmitter parameter settings and is used as backupof the current parameter settings.Remarks on file names:XXXX = Name of the measurement place setAA = YearBB = MonthCC = DayDD = HourEE = Minute39 Parameter Menu System39.1 InformationFig. 39-1 System - Information - Menu>Information< is a read-only menu and provides the instrument information below:• Serial no. and article no.• MAC address• Firmware version of the transmitter• Data on boot loader and WLAN version• Date of the latest software update (firmware) and the last storage of the parameter sets• Current battery charging status (when using two batteries the battery with the highercapacity is used until the capacity of both batteries has reached the same level; afterthat both batteries are discharged equally)• Information on credits and licenses39.2 Region SettingsThe following settings can be configured here:• (Operation) Language• Date format• Units for measurement valuesHere it is possible to distinct between stored and displayed measurement values.