Parameter SettingNFM 600 - rev. 02 / 10.07.2019 page 7937.2.2 Sensor Types in >Wet< Transit Time ModeThe same selection of sensors (Fig. 37-6) is available for both v-paths. Select from >AutoIdentification<, >TSP0V200< and >User defined<.Fig. 37-6 Sensor Selection Menu Select Sensor Type:• >Auto Identification<The device automatically detects the sensor used and takes over the according data.• >TSP0V200<:The values for the TSP0 V200 sensor itself are pre-set and cannot be selected orchanged.• >User defined<:The values for >Angle<, >Frequency<, >Offset< must be specified.Default setting: User defined37.2.3 Sensor Mounting PositionMounting Angle, Distances and Path LengthHints on the Mounting AngleIn horizontal pipelines do not use pipe bottom or pipe crown as mounting places (risk ofsoiling, air bubbles).NIVUS recommends a mounting angle of 45°.Set the angle in which the sensors are clamped onto or installed into the pipe here.The mounting angle must be specified for each path separately, all paths, however, musthave the same mounting angle. Procedure to set the sensor parameters:1. Enter the >Mounting Angle<.In combination with the measurement place parameters entered so far thetransmitter calculates >Distance along< or >Distance across< and the >PathLength<.These values are read-only values and can be used for sensor fastening.The >Distance along< parameter is the clear distance between both sensors.2. Specify >Weighting< and >Hydraulic Factor< if required. The default setting is100 % or 96 %.By modifying the >Weighting< value the involved paths can be weighted and