GeneralNFM 600 - rev. 02 / 10.07.2019 page 111.3 Abbreviations used1.3.1 Colour code for wires and single conductorsThe abbreviations of colours, wire and components follow the international colour code ac-cording IEC 60757.BK black BN brown RD redOG orange YE yellow GN greenBU blue VT violet GY greyWH white PK pink TQ turquoiseGNYE green/yellow GD gold SR silver2 Connections and Operating Elements2.1 Power Supply2.1.1 TransmitterThe NivuFlow Mobile (Fig. 2-1 no. 1) is supplied by rechargeable battery packs. Onceplugged in the batteries are connected to the transmitter via the charging pins (Fig. 2-1 no. 4)supplying the required operating voltage.1 Transmitter2 Battery compartment (two battery packs; illustration without batteries)3 Guide pins for battery packs4 Charging pins for AC power supply of transmitter5 USB-A interfaceFig. 2-1 Power supply by battery packs (top view)