Instruction ManualNivuFlow Mobile 600page 96 NFM 600 - rev. 02 / 10.07.2019• Restart (of system)• Powerdown (transmitter goes to energy saving mode)• Parameter reset (back to default settings)• Feature unlock• Update NivuFlow• Update BootloaderFig. 39-7 Service39.5.1 Service LevelThe service levels are split into different, accordingly password-protected access levels.The possible settings as well as the information available here require comprehensive expertknowledge and are not needed for standard applications. This is why the service level is re-served for NIVUS service personnel exclusively.39.5.2 RestartA transmitter restart interrupts the current measuring process.The system will boot using the parameters previously set (saved). After the boot process thesystem behaves as if being switched on (analog to a PC).This menu point saves you from shutting down and restarting the system. All saved parame-ters, counters and data will be preserved.39.5.3 PowerdownThe >Powerdown< function switches the transmitter to energy saving mode. The instrumentwill not resume measuring before it has been “woken up”.39.5.4 Parameter ResetA parameter reset will reset all parameters to default settings. Counter readings, modifiedpasswords and saved measurement data are preserved.The parameters will not be actually reset before you exit the service menu (back to mainmenu) and confirm the storage process. At this point you can still abort the reset.39.5.5 Feature unlockUse Feature Unlock to unlock special functions (optional) if ordered from NIVUS.