A CCESS GATEWAYSystem Administration 1191. From the Web Management Interface, click on Configuration, then Home Page Redirect.The Home Page Redirection Settings screen appears:2. Click on the check box for Home Page Redirection to enable this feature. If you enablehome page redirection, you must provide a URL for the redirected home page.3. Enter the URL of the redirected home page in the Home Page URL field.4. If required, click on the check box for Parameter Passing.Parameter passing allows the Access Gateway to track a subscriber’s initial Web request(usually their home page) and pass the information on to the solution provider. Thesolution provider uses this information to ensure that the subscriber can return to theirhome page easily.5. In the Redirection Frequency field, specify the frequency (in minutes) for home pageredirection. This is the interval at which the subscriber is redirected to the solutionprovider’s home page automatically.6. Click on the Submit button to save your changes, or click on the Reset button if you wantto reset all the values to their previous state.Enabling Intelligent Address Translation (iNAT™)The Nomadix patented iNAT™ feature contains an advanced, real-time translation engine thatanalyzes all data packets being communicated between the private and public addressdomains. The Nomadix iNAT™ engine performs a defined mode of network addresstranslation based on packet type and protocol (for example, IKE etc…).NSE provides the following iNAT enhancements: A separate iNAT interface page shows the settings for each port in either WAN orOOS modes. Ports in SUB mode are not shown.