A CCESS GATEWAYSystem Administration 199Importing Port-Location Assignments {Import}This procedure shows you how to import port-location assignments from the “location.txt”file. The location.txt file is stored in: /flash/location.txt (resident in the Access Gateway’s flashmemory).1. From the Web Management Interface, click on Port-Location, then Import. The ImportPort-Location Assignments screen appears:2. Click on the Import button to import port-location assignments from the /flash/location.txtfile.Viewing the “location.txt” FileYou can click on the “View location.txt” link if you want to view the current contents ofthe file.If you have never exported port-location assignments (since installing the AccessGateway at this site), the location.txt is empty. See also, “Exporting Port-LocationAssignments {Export}” on page 195. You can create your own location.txt file,FTP to the Access Gateway’s flash directory (for example, [IP address]/flash/location.txt), and upload the file. See also, “Creating a “location.txt” File” onpage 200.Click here to view the “location.txt” file