A CCESS G ATEWAY26 Introductioncompany to simultaneously support port-based authentication using IEEE 802.1x andauthentication mechanisms used by Smart Clients. MAC-based authentication is also available.See also: Access Control and Authentication Smart Client SupportURL FilteringThe NSE can restrict access to specified Web sites based on URLs defined by the systemadministrator. URL filtering will block access to a list of sites and/or domains entered by theadministrator using the following three methods: Host IP address (for example, Host DNS name (for example, www.yahoo.com). DNS domain name (for example, *.yahoo.com, meaning all sites under theyahoo.com hierarchy, such as finance.yahoo.com, sports.yahoo.com, etc.).The system administrator can dynamically add or remove up to 300 specific IP addresses anddomain names to be filtered for each property.Walled GardenThe NSE provides up to 300 IP passthrough addresses (and/or DNS entries), allowing you tocreate a “Walled Garden” within the Internet where unauthenticated users can be granted ordenied access to sites of your choosing.Web Management InterfaceNomadix’ Access Gateways can be managed remotely via the built-in Web ManagementInterface where various levels of administration can be established. See also, “Using the WebManagement Interface (WMI)” on page 78.Weighted Fair QueueingWeighted Fair Queueing allocates bandwidth to individual users or groups in proportion totheir individual or group bandwidth limits. Weighted Fair Queueing provides a fall-back in anover-subscribed scenario.In NSE 8.5, Class Based Queueing and Weighted Fair Queueing are mutuallyexclusive. Weighted Fair Queueing is enabled by default.