A CCESS G ATEWAY 3System Administration 77System AdministrationThis section provides all the instructions and procedures necessary for system administrators tomanage the Access Gateway on the customer’s network (after a successful installation).The system administration procedures in this section are organized as they are listed under theirrespective Web Management Interface (WMI) menus: “Configuration Menu” on page 80 “Network Info Menu” on page 179 “Port-Location Menu” on page 191 “Subscriber Administration Menu” on page 203 “Subscriber Interface Menu” on page 217 “System Menu” on page 250Choosing a Remote ConnectionOnce installed and configured for the customer’s network, the Access Gateway can bemanaged and administered remotely with any of the following interface options: Using the Web Management Interface (WMI) - Provides a powerful and flexible Webinterface for network administrators. Using an SNMP Manager - Allows remote “Windows” management using an SNMPclient manager (for example, HP OpenView). However, before you can use SNMP toaccess the Access Gateway, you must set up the appropriate SNMP communities. Formore information, refer to “Managing the SNMP Communities {SNMP}” onpage 167. Using a Telnet ClientChoose an interface connection, based on your preference.Now that the Access Gateway has been installed and configured successfully, thisUser Guide moves away from the Command Line Interface (CLI) and documentsthe Access Gateway from the Web Management Interface (WMI) viewpoint.To use any of the remote connections (Web, SNMP, or Telnet), the networkinterface IP address for the Access Gateway must be established (you did thisduring the installation process).