A CCESS GATEWAYSystem Administration 191Displaying UDP Statistics {UDP}You can display the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) statistics which are presented as a detailedlisting of all UDP elements and their current status. UDP is an Internet standard transport layerprotocol. It is a connectionless protocol which adds a level of reliability and multiplexing tothe Internet Protocol (IP).To view the UDP Statistics, go to the Web Management Interface, click on Network Info, thenclick on UDP.The UDP Statistics screen appears:Port-Location MenuThe Port Location capabilities on the NSE have been enhanced. It is now possible to define apolicy on a port. The billing methods (RADIUS, Credit Card, PMS) and the billing plansavailable on each port can now be individually configured.This ability allows for having different billing methods and billing plans on different ports ofthe NSE. A practical application of this feature is to have a normal hotel room with a plan Athat is $9.99 for a day with PMS billing and have a meeting room with a plan of $14.99 an hourwith Credit Card billing.This feature is called Port-based Policies. Port-based Policies must be enabled from theConfiguration->AAA page.