A CCESS GATEWAYSystem Administration 2098. In the Expiration Time field, define the duration (in hours and minutes) for thesubscriber’s authorized access time. When the assigned time expires, the subscriber must“re-subscribe” to the service.9. Enter an amount in the Paid field.10. The next two fields (User Definable 1 and User Definable 2) are optional. Use thesefields for simple notations about the subscriber.11. Define the Min Upstream Bandwidth and Max Upstream Bandwidth range for thissubscriber (in Kbps).12. Define the Min Downstream Bandwidth and Max Downstream Bandwidth range for thissubscriber (in Kbps).13. If using Class-Based Queuing, enter the primary and subclass for this subscriber in theClass field. Enter these values in the format: class>.(top-level class and subclass separated by a period). See “Class-Based Queueing” onpage 11 and “Class-Based Queueing” on page 102.14. Enter the Maximum users per group for the subscriber account.15. Select a policy from the QoS Policy menu. See “Setting up Quality of Service {QoS}” onpage 148 for more information.16. Enable STMP Redirection to allow the specified user to have their SMTP trafficredirected by the global SMTP redirect configuration.Click on the Add button to add this subscriber to the database, or click on the Reset button ifyou want to reset all the values to their previous state.Displaying Current Subscriber Connections {Current}You can display a listing of all the subscribers currently connected to the system. The listincludes the MAC addresses of the subscribers, their active state, the individual expirationtimes, port numbers (if assigned), bandwidth limits, current bandwidth usage, and the numberof bytes that have been passed from the subscriber to the Internet. This data can be used if adispute arises between the subscriber and the solution provider (for example, if a subscriberclaims that their connection to the Internet was not completed). By reviewing the “byte”statistics, you can clearly see if the subscriber made a successful connection.To view the list of Current Subscriber Connections, go to the Web Management Interface,click on Subscriber Administration, then click on Current.The Current Subscribers screen appears, showing the usage statistics for all subscriberscurrently connected to the system: