A CCESS GATEWAYSystem Administration 1732. Select Add to create a new Traffic Descriptor, or select a link to an existing descriptor tomodify it. The Add Traffic Descriptor screen appears.3. Enter a name for the descriptor in the Unique Name field.4. Enter a brief summary about the descriptor in the Description field.5. Set condition matching to require a match to All conditions or Any one of the conditions.This condition list displays a list of the conditions that have been defined for thisdescriptor.Select a condition type from the Add Condition menu and define the matchingparameters. Once added, conditions will be displayed in the condition list.6. Select Remove to remove a condition from this descriptor.7. Select Add Descriptor to accept the parameters and conditions defined and add thedescriptor to the descriptor list on the main page.Setting Up URL Filtering {URL Filtering}The Access Gateway can restrict access to specified Web sites based on URLs defined by thesystem administrator. URL filtering will block access to a list of sites and/or domains enteredby the administrator using the following three methods: Host IP address (for example, Host DNS name (for example, www.yahoo.com)