A CCESS GATEWAYSystem Administration 1691. From the Web Management Interface, click on Configuration, then Subnets. The PublicSubnets Settings screen appears:To add a Subnet2. Enter a valid IP address for this subnet in the Subnet field.3. Enter the subnet mask for this subnet in the Subnet Mask field.4. Click on the Add button to add a new public subnet.Displaying Your Configuration Settings {Summary}You can display a summary listing of all your current Configuration settings.To view the summary listing, go to the Web Management Interface, click on Configuration,then click on Summary.To edit the “Current Public DHCP Subnets” table, go to “Managing the DHCPservice options {DHCP}” on page 109.For additional information about the multiple subnet feature, go to “ContactInformation” on page 349 for Nomadix Technical Support.