E Series Automated Dispensing System123www.nordsonefd.com info@nordsonefd.com 800-556-3484 Sales and service of Nordson EFD dispensing systems are available worldwide.Modifying the DXF Import OptionsIf the source DXF file is not importing cleanly, follow this procedure to update the DXF import options to improve theimported result.# Click Step Reference Image1>Click DXF and then click OPTION.The DXF Option window appears.2 — Update the following DXF import optionsas needed:• For DISTANCE OF POINTS (MM), entera value in mm to specify the distancebetween any two points on a curve.• For OFFSET X and Y, enter values inmm to shift the elements of the DXF fileupon import.• For INCH > MM, click the checkboxto convert inches to millimeters uponimport (required only if the source DXFfile drawing units are in inches).NOTE: Refer to “4. DXF Screen OptionWindow” on page 122 for moredetailed information on the DXF screenOption settings.3 Click OK to save the settings.Continue to the next step to update a DXFthat you have already imported, or go tostep 5.—4or(If the DXF is already imported) ClickPOINT DISPENSE or LINE DISPENSE toupdate the dispense pattern coordinates.5 Click PROGRAM to return to the Programscreen.Continue to “Importing a DXF File” onpage 124 to import a DXF using thesesettings.