E Series Automated Dispensing System81www.nordsonefd.com info@nordsonefd.com 800-556-3484 Sales and service of Nordson EFD dispensing systems are available worldwide.TroubleshootingTeach Pendant Error MessagesWhen a programming error occurs, the Teach Pendant display shows the address number where the error occursand the error message. Refer to the following table to troubleshoot Teach Pendant error messages.Addr. 1Over Call Program Stack ![OK] F1Error Message Cause Corrective ActionOver Call Program Stack System cannot call the current program Call another program number.Error Fill Command Line Start and Line End points after a Fillcommand are on the same coordinateCorrect the Line Start and Line Endcoordinates that occur after the Fillcommand.Can’t Use Call Pattern Call Program command used and theprogram called for execution includesa Call Pattern command (the softwaredoes not allow this)Create a new program that does notinclude a Call Pattern command.Can’t Find Fill End Point Line End command missing after a FillcommandEnsure that a Line End command isinserted after a fill command.Label Not Found System cannot find the label numberspecified in a Goto (Label) commandCheck the Label commands in theprogram. Use MENU2 > Jump to searchfor the missing label.If the label number does not exist, thesystem displays this error message.Correct the programming problem.Need Line Start Line Start command missing before aLine Passing, Arc Point, or Line EndcommandEnter a Line Start command before aLine Passing, Arc Point, or Line Endcommand.Need Line End Line End command missing after aLine Start, Line Passing, or Arc PointcommandEnter a Line End command after aLine Start, Line Passing, or Arc Pointcommand.Setup Error End Program command entered after aLine Start commandCorrect the programming error. An EndProgram command can be entered onlywhen the previous lines of programmingare logical.Mark Point Must Separate Mark Points 1 and 2 are the samecoordinateEnsure that Mark Points 1 and 2 aredifferent coordinates.Illegal Path Point Line Start, Arc Point, and Line Endcoordinates are in a straight lineCorrect the Arc Point coordinate so thatthe dispense pattern is an arc instead ofa straight line.Destination Address Error Destination for a Group Edit > Movecommand already contains a commandEnsure that the destination address towhich address lines are being moved isempty.Continued on next pageAddress number where error occursError messagePress F1 to clear the error message, then correctthe cause of the error