E Series Automated Dispensing System20www.nordsonefd.com info@nordsonefd.com 800-556-3484 Sales and service of Nordson EFD dispensing systems are available worldwide.Overview of the Teach PendantThis section explains how to use the Teach Pendant and provides an overview of all the Teach Pendant keys andmenus. This information is provided for your reference as needed. To set up the system and create dispensingprograms, refer to “Setup” on page 32 and to “Programming” on page 44.Display: All menusappear in the display.F1, F2, and F3 functionkeys: Use to open theProgram Menu and savedata entries. Refer to“Executing Functionsand Entering NumericData” on page 21.Jog keys: Use these keys tomove the dispensing tip. Referto “Jogging the DispensingTip” on page 22.Programming keys: Useto create programs.Refer to “Teach PendantKey Descriptions” onpage 23.Start key: Use to runprograms.Home key: Moves thedispensing tip to the HomePosition.USB key: Use to upload ordownload programs. Refer to“How to Upload / DownloadPrograms Using the SVC USBPort” on page 57.Edit key: Use to edit multiplesteps in a program. Refer to“How to Change a Group ofAddresses (Group Edit)” onpage 49.Enter key: Selects the currentitem.Move up / down keys: Use tomove the cursor.