Glossary / 597P0992638 03 Modular ICS 6.0 Installer Guidefeature code²¥¥êæåæè¸, orafter a major event, such as an extendedpower failure.Combo Cartridge: A cartridge thatallows you to connect Trunk Modulesand Station Modules to the ICS toexpand the system capacity for trunksand telephones. Combo Cartridgesprovide six-port or 12-port expansionand Services functionality with eachcartridge. See also Expansion Cartridge.Companion Wireless: The name forNortel Networks communicationsystems which use radio technology totransmit and receive signals between itscomponents and the Norstar system.Companion Wireless provides mobilityin the workplace. Calls that used to ringjust at your Norstar set can also appearand ring at your portable.Companion portable telephone:Hand-held wireless sets which allowcomplete mobility within the reach ofCompanion base stations or an externalantenna. Portables offer many, but notall, Norstar features and share much ofthe same programming as wired desksets.Conference: ²ÜA feature allows you to establish athree-person call at your Norstartelephone.contrast adjustment: ²¥àAllows you to set the contrast level ofyour telephone display.control telephone: A controltelephone can place the lines for whichit has responsibility in or out of aService Mode.The direct-dial telephone is a controltelephone for directing calls to the extradirect-dial telephone. A telephone ismade a control telephone and has linesassigned to it in Services programming.Coordinated Dialing Plan: (CDP)This dialing plan uses a steering code toidentify each node in a private network.This one-digit code becomes part of theset DN number rather than a separatecode. In this way, system A might havecodes in range 2100 to 2999, whereassystem B might have codes in range3100 to 3999.COS: See Class of Service.cursor: A short horizontal line thatappears on the system telephone displayto indicate that characters can be enteredusing the dialpad.DD channel (Data channel): AnISDN standard transmission channelwhich is packet-switched, and is usedfor call setup, signalling and datatransmission.Data channel: See D channel.Data Communications Interface(DCI): A Norstar device that allows youto attach an RS-232 data device to theNorstar terminal: A device, such as amodem, that can be used to transfer datainstead of sound over a telephonenetwork. You cannot use Norstarprogramming to set up such devices.See the documentation thataccompanies the See Show Time or Time andDate.defaults: The settings for all Norstarfeatures when the system is firstinstalled. Settings are changed fromtheir defaults in programming. In thismanual, default settings are shown inbold text.Delayed Ring Transfer (DRT) toprime: After a specified number ofrings, this feature transfers anunanswered call on an external line, to