Installing GroupWise WebAccess 135novdocx (en) 22 June 20095.6.3 WebAccess/WebPublisher ApplicationsItem Explanation13) Web ServerType and RootDirectoryWeb server type: Apache WebServer forNetWare NetscapeEnterpriseServer forNetWare Apache WebServer for Linux MicrosoftInternetInformationServer forWindowsServer Apache WebServer for UNIXSolarisWeb server rootdirectory:This item applies if you are installing the NetWare or Windows WebAccessApplication.Select the type of Web server where you plan to install the WebAccessApplication and/or the WebPublisher Application.Specify the path to the Web server’s root directory. The path must be from theperspective of the machine where you run the Installation program.For details, see Section 5.3.1, “Deciding Where to Install the GroupWiseWebAccess Components,” on page 109.14) Novell RootDirectorySpecify a directory on the Web server where you want to install the configurationfiles for the WebAccess Application and/or WebPublisher Application. ForNetWare and Windows, the default is the novell directory on the root of the servervolume. For Linux, the default is /opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess and /opt/novell/groupwise/webpublisher.For details, see Section 5.3.1, “Deciding Where to Install the GroupWiseWebAccess Components,” on page 109.15) Java ServletEngine Use other Javaservlet enginePath:This item applies if you are installing the NetWare or Windows WebAccessApplication.Specify whether you want to use Tomcat or another Java servlet engine that isalready installed on your Web server. If you use Tomcat or another Java servletengine, you need to specify the path to the Java servlet engine’s root directory.For details, see Section 5.3.1, “Deciding Where to Install the GroupWiseWebAccess Components,” on page 109.16) DefaultLanguageSpecify the language for the initial Novell Web Services page.For details, see “Default Language” on page 115.