164 GroupWise 7 Installation Guidenovdocx (en) 22 June 2009Both the MTA and the POA are installed to the specified directory.7.3.4 Gathering Domain and Post Office InformationRecord the following information about the domain and post office for which you are installing andsetting up the GroupWise agents:7.3.5 Deciding Which Languages to InstallIf you have administrators with various language preferences, you can install and run theGroupWise agents in multiple languages. You should also install all languages used by GroupWiseclient users, so that message status information returned from the POA to users’ mailboxes matchesthe language in which each user is running the client.NOTE: On Linux, all available languages are included in the same RPM, so all languages arealways installed.By default, the agents start in the language selected for the domain. If that language has not beeninstalled, the agents start in the language used by the operating system. If that language has not beeninstalled, the agents start in English.For more information, see “Multilingual GroupWise Systems” in the GroupWise 7 AdministrationGuide (http://www.novell.com/documentation/gw7).7.3.6 NetWare Installation Options: Automatic Startup andClusteringWhen you install the NetWare GroupWise agents, the following options specific to NetWare areavailable in the Agent Installation program: “Automatic Startup” on page 165 “Novell Cluster Services” on page 165GROUPWISE AGENT INSTALLATION WORKSHEETUnder Item 6: Domain Information, record the domain name and path to the domain directory for the newdomain.Under Item 7: Post Office Information, record the post office name and path to the post office directory forthe new post office.The domain and post office must exist before you install the agents for them. If necessary, create thedomain and post office that you are installing the agents for now.GROUPWISE AGENT INSTALLATION WORKSHEETUnder Item 5: Language, list the languages you want to install the agents for.