Installing GroupWise Monitor6137novdocx (en) 22 June 20096Installing GroupWise MonitorNovell ® GroupWise ® Monitor is a monitoring and management tool that allows you to monitorGroupWise agents and gateways from any location where you are connected to the Internet and haveaccess to a Web browser. Some agent administration can also be performed from your Web browser.The topics below help you plan and set up GroupWise Monitor: Section 6.1, “GroupWise Monitor Overview,” on page 137 Section 6.2, “Monitor System Requirements,” on page 140 Section 6.3, “Planning GroupWise Monitor,” on page 141 Section 6.4, “Setting Up GroupWise Monitor,” on page 145 Section 6.5, “Using GroupWise Monitor,” on page 153 Section 6.6, “GroupWise Monitor Installation Worksheet,” on page 155IMPORTANT: If you plan to install GroupWise Monitor in a clustered server environment, see theGroupWise 7 Interoperability Guide ( before you installMonitor.6.1 GroupWise Monitor OverviewGroupWise Monitor consists of two components:Monitor Agent: The Monitor Agent continuously polls other GroupWise agents (POA, MTA,Internet Agent, WebAccess Agent, as well as the Messenger Agents, and Gateways gateways),gathers status information from them, and displays the status information at the Monitor Agentserver console. The Monitor Agent also services requests for agent status information from theMonitor Application.NOTE: The Monitor Agent server console is available on Windows, but not on Linux.Monitor Application: The Monitor Application extends the capability of your Web server so thatagent status information can be displayed in your Web browser. Two browser-based consoles areavailable: The Monitor Web console, provided by the Monitor Application, takes advantage of your Webserver’s capabilities to make agent status information available to you when you are outsideyour firewall. The Monitor Agent Web console, provided by the Monitor Agent itself, can be used onlybehind your firewall but provides capabilities not available in the Monitor Web console. Thissection focuses on using full-featured Monitor Agent Web console. Specific differences infunctionality between the two Web consoles are summarized in “Comparing the MonitorConsoles” in “Monitor” in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide (