256 GroupWise 7 Installation Guidenovdocx (en) 22 June 2009To install and start the POA:1 Start the Agent Installation program.To streamline the update process on NetWare and Windows, you can run the Agent Installationprogram (agents\install.exe) with the /copyonly startup switch, which copies the updated agentsoftware files but does not perform any other agent configuration. On Linux, the Installationprogram offers separate file copy and configuration options to streamline the update process.2 Follow the instructions for your platform to install the GroupWise 7 POA to each post office inyour GroupWise system. “NetWare: Installing and Starting the GroupWise Agents” on page 53 “Installing and Starting the Linux GroupWise Agents” on page 67 “Windows: Installing and Starting the GroupWise Agents” on page 553 Start the POA for the post office so that the post office database (wphost.db) is updated toGroupWise 7.4 Before you run GroupWise 7 clients against the post office, make sure that the post officedatabase has been updated by checking the Database Version field on the Identificationproperty page of the Post Office object in ConsoleOne.5 Continue with Copying the GroupWise Views to the Post Office Directory.15.3.2 Copying the GroupWise Views to the Post OfficeDirectoryGroupWise 7 includes new views for the GroupWise Windows client. When the POA starts, itupdates the post office database and also attempts to update the client views in the post officedirectory. To do so, it requires access to the software distribution directory. If it doesn’t have access,you must manually copy the views.NetWare: To install the POA to a NetWare server, make sure the workstation has access toboth the post office directory and the NetWare server where you want to install thePOA.If you are installing from the GroupWise 7 Administrator for NetWare/WindowsCD, insert the CD in the CD drive, run setup.exe at the root of the CD to startthe GroupWise Installation program, then click Install Components > InstallGroupWise Agents.If you are installing from the software distribution directory, run install.exe inthe \agents subdirectory to start the Agent Installation program.Linux: Run install at the root of the GroupWise 7 Administrator for Linux CD for Linux orat the root of the software distribution directory to start the GroupWIse Installationprogram.Windows: If you are installing from the GroupWise 7 Administrator for NetWare/WindowsCD, insert the CD in the CD drive, run setup.exe at the root of the CD to startthe GroupWise Installation program, then click Install Components > InstallGroupWise Agents.If you are installing from the software distribution directory, run install.exe inthe \agents subdirectory.