Understanding the Update Process13243novdocx (en) 22 June 200913Understanding the UpdateProcessYou can update a Novell® GroupWise ® 5.x or 6.x system to GroupWise 7.NOTE: To update a GroupWise 4.x system to GroupWise 7, you must first update the system toGroupWise 5.x. The functionality to update from GroupWise 4.x is not part of the GroupWise 7Administrator snap-ins to ConsoleOne.Before you begin updating your GroupWise system to GroupWise 7, you should review thefollowing sections. These sections, which describe the process to follow when updating, help youplan and implement a successful update strategy: Section 13.1, “Understanding eDirectory Schema Extensions,” on page 243 Section 13.2, “Understanding GroupWise Software Updates,” on page 243 Section 13.3, “Understanding Domain and Post Office Database Updates,” on page 244 Section 13.4, “Understanding GroupWise Client Updates,” on page 245 Section 13.5, “Understanding Internet Agent Updates,” on page 246 Section 13.6, “Understanding WebAccess Updates,” on page 246 Section 13.7, “Understanding Monitor Updates,” on page 247 Section 13.8, “Understanding GroupWise Gateway Compatibility,” on page 247For a list of enhancements and new features in GroupWise 7, see Chapter 12, “What’s New inGroupWise 7,” on page 217.In some cases, you might need to maintain a mixed-version environment as you roll out GroupWise7. For a table showing which GroupWise 5.x and 6.x components can be used with GroupWise 7,see Appendix A, “GroupWise Version Compatibility,” on page 303.13.1 Understanding eDirectory SchemaExtensionsGroupWise 7 includes new functionality that requires you to extend the schema of any NovelleDirectoryTM trees where you have GroupWise objects. The GroupWise Setup automatically extendsthe schema for any trees you select.13.2 Understanding GroupWise SoftwareUpdatesThe GroupWise 7 software requirements are different than previous GroupWise softwarerequirements. To review the requirements, see Chapter 2, “GroupWise System Requirements,” onpage 21.