Installing a Basic GroupWise System 45novdocx (en) 22 June 2009Figure 3-13 GroupWise System Installed on an OES NetWare Server and Windows 2000 ServerThe following diagram shows the domain and MTA on a NetWare 6 server. The post office,software distribution directory, and POA are on a Windows 2000 server. The MTA communicateswith the POA through TCP/IP.Figure 3-14 GroupWise System Installed on a NetWare 6 Server and Windows 2000 ServerNOTE: The above configuration has the MTA on one server and the POA on another. Because thebasic GroupWise system setup requires you to install the MTA and POA on the same server, youwould need to do additional setup to create a similar configuration.3.3 Setting Up a Basic GroupWise SystemFollow the setup instructions for the platform where you are creating your basic GroupWise system: Section 3.3.1, “NetWare and Windows: Setting Up a Basic GroupWise System,” on page 46 Section 3.3.2, “Linux: Setting Up a Basic GroupWise System,” on page 60Open Enterprise SeverNetWarej:=nwoes\mail:z:=nwoes\sys:Administrator ConsoleOneSoftware Distribution DirectoryPost Office (Research)Domain (Provo)c:\novell\consoleonej:\softwarej:\researchj:\provoUser runningthe GroupWiseWindows clientfrom the softwaredistributiondirectory.User running theGroupWise Windowsor Cross-Platform clientfrom a local drive.TCP/IPx:\softwareTCP/IPWindows 2003Windows MTAWindows POA\\w2k3\mailPost Office (Research)NetWare 6j:=nw6\mail:z:=nw6\sys:k:=w2k\mail:AdministratorConsoleOneDomain (Provo)NetWare MTAc:\novell\consoleonej:\provok:\researchz:\systemk:\softwareUser running theGroupWise Windowsclient from the softwaredistribution directory.User running theGroupWise Windows orCross-Platform clientfrom a local drive.TCP/IPx:\softwareTCP/IPWindows 2000Windows POASoftware Distribution DirectoryTCP/IPk:\grpwise