154 GroupWise 7 Installation Guidenovdocx (en) 22 June 2009For more information about using the Monitor Agent server console, see “Monitor” in theGroupWise 7 Administration Guide (http://www.novell.com/documentation/gw7).6.5.2 Monitor Web Consoles in Your Web BrowserMonitor has two different Web consoles. The Monitor Web console uses the capabilities of yourWeb server to provide access from outside your firewall. The Monitor Agent Web console isprovided by the Monitor Agent itself and provides additional functionality beyond that which isavailable from outside your firewall. “Monitor Web Console” on page 154 “Monitor Agent Web Console” on page 154Monitor Web ConsoleTo display agent status information in your Web browser from outside your firewall, enter theMonitor Web console URL in your Web browser:where network_address represents the IP address or DNS hostname of the server where your Webserver runs. The Monitor Web console appears.Figure 6-6 Monitor Web ConsoleYou can use this same URL to view the same agent status information in various browsers andmobile devices.You can perform many of the same monitoring activities at the Monitor Web console as you can atthe Monitor Agent server console. Refer to the online help in the Monitor Web console foradditional information about each Monitor Web console page.For more information about using the Monitor Web console, see “Monitor” in the GroupWise 7Administration Guide (http://www.novell.com/documentation/gw7).Monitor Agent Web ConsoleTo display agent status information in your Web browser from inside your firewall, enter theMonitor Agent Web console URL in your Web browser:NetWare Web Server: https://network_address/gw/gwmonitorLinux Web Server: https://network_address/gwmon/gwmonitorWindows Web Server: https://network_address/gw/gwmonitor