30 GroupWise 7 Installation Guidenovdocx (en) 22 June 2009For more information, see “Multilingual GroupWise Systems” in “System” in the GroupWise 7Administration Guide (http://www.novell.com/documentation/gw7).3.2.2 Planning Your DomainThe domain functions as the main administration unit for the GroupWise system. When youconfigure GroupWise information in eDirectory, it is also stored in the GroupWise domain database.From the domain database, the GroupWise agents distribute the information to each post officedatabase. Users then get the information, such as user addresses, from the post office database.In a multiple-post-office system, the domain also organizes post offices into a logical grouping foraddressing and routing purposes, and enables you to scale your GroupWise system to meet yourcurrent and future needs.As you create your basic GroupWise system, the Setup Advisor prompts you for information aboutthe domain. The following sections prepare you to supply the required information. “System and Domain Names” on page 30 “Domain Directory” on page 31 “Domain Context” on page 32 “Domain Language” on page 35 “Domain Time Zone” on page 35System and Domain NamesThe domain requires a unique name. The name is used as the Domain object’s name in eDirectory. Itis also used for addressing and routing purposes within GroupWise, and can appear in theGroupWise Address Book. The domain name can reflect a location, company name or branch name,or some other element that makes sense for your organization. For example, you might want thedomain name to be the location (such as Provo) while the post office name is one of the company’sdepartments (such as Research).A domain names should consist of a single string. Use underscores (_) rather than spaces asseparators between words to facilitate addressing across the Internet. Do not use any of thecharacters listed below in system and domain names:BASIC GROUPWISE SYSTEM WORKSHEETUnder Item 1: Select Languages, specify the languages you want to install for a GroupWise system. TheGroupWise Administrator languages are copied to the ConsoleOne location. The GroupWise agent andclient languages are copied to the software distribution directory.ASCII characters 0-13 Comma ,Asterisk * Double quote "At sign @ Extended ASCII characters that are graphical or typographical symbols;accented characters in the extended range can be usedBraces { } Parentheses ( )Colon : Period .