Installing a Basic GroupWise System 43novdocx (en) 22 June 2009As with all Windows services, you can start the agents manually or have them start automaticallyeach time the Windows server restarts.3.2.5 Sample GroupWise ConfigurationsMany different configurations are possible for your GroupWise system. The following diagramsillustrate some of the ways a basic GroupWise system (one domain and one post office) can be setup. “NetWare 6.x Server” on page 43 “Linux Server” on page 44 “Windows 2003 Server” on page 44 “Open Enterprise Server and Windows 2003 Server” on page 44NetWare 6.x ServerThe following diagram shows a basic GroupWise system set up on a single NetWare 6.x server.Figure 3-10 GroupWise System Installed on a Single NetWare 6 ServerNetWare: If the Windows agents need to log in to a NetWare server, provide an existingeDirectory username and password, or create a new account for the agents, asdescribed in “Creating a NetWare Account for Agent Access (Optional)” on page 170.Linux: Configuring the Windows agents to log in to a Linux server is not recommended.BASIC GROUPWISE SYSTEM WORKSHEETUnder Item 23: Windows Installation Options, select Install as Windows Services if you want to run theagents as Windows services.If you want to run the agents as Windows services, under Item 25: Windows Services Information, recordthe account the agents will run under, and if necessary, the password for the account. Also selectwhether you want the service to start automatically or manually.NetWare 6.xj:=nw65\mail:z:=nw65\sys:AdministratorConsoleOneDomain (Provo)Post Office (Research)Software Distribution DirectoryNetWare MTANetWare POAc:\novell\consoleonej:\provoj:\researchj:\softwarez:\systemUser running theGroupWise Windowsclient from the softwaredistribution directory.User running theGroupWise Windows orCross-Platform clientfrom a local drive.TCP/IPx:\softwareTCP/IP