278 GroupWise 7 Installation Guidenovdocx (en) 22 June 20095d In the Linux Path field, provide the full path to the storage area from the point of view ofthe POA running on the Linux server.5e Click OK twice to save the storage area information.6 Check the status of the link between the POA still running on NetWare or Windows and theMTA it communicates with:6a At the MTA server console, use Options > Configuration Status.orAt the MTA Web console, look on the Links page.When the ConsoleOne updates that you have just made, including the post office locationchange, have been processed by the MTA, the link changes to Closed. The status mustshow as Closed before you finalize the migration.7 Continue with Finalizing the Post Office Migration.20.4 Finalizing the Post Office Migration1 On the NetWare or Windows server, stop the POA for the post office. If multiple POAs arecurrently running for the post office, stop all POAs.GroupWise users can no longer access their Online mailboxes.2 On the Linux server, run DBCopy again to copy the post office:./dbcopy -m -i mm-dd-yyyy -s /post_office_directory/destination_directoryWhen you run DBCopy the second time and include the -i switch with the date of the initialcopy, it copies only files that have been modified since the initial copy, like an incrementalbackup. The -s switch indicates that this is the second pass of the migration process, duringwhich the post office queue directories (wpcsin and wpcsout) are copied. The second DBCopyprocess should be substantially shorter than the first one.3 If you migrated a document storage area to the Linux server in Step 9 in Section 20.2,“Performing the Post Office Migration,” on page 274, run DBCopy again to copy the documentstorage area with the files modified since the first copy:./dbcopy -m -b -i /storage_area_directory /destination_directoryWhen the copy operation is finished, unmount the document storage area.4 Run the standalone GroupWise Check utility (GWCheck), installed in Step 7 in Section 20.1,“Preparing for the Post Office Migration,” on page 273, with the storelowercase supportoption to convert the filenames and directory names stored inside GroupWise databases in thepost office to lowercase:4a In the Database Type box, select Post Office.4b Browse to and select the post office database in its new location, then specify the postoffice name.4c In the Object Type box, select Post Office.4d In the Support Options field on the Misc tab, specify storelowercase.4e Click Run to run GWCheck.If you need to run GWCheck in a text-only environment, see “Using Text-BasedGWCheck (gwcheckt)” in “Databases” in the GroupWise 7 Administration Guide (http://www.novell.com/documentation/gw7) for additional instructions.