326 GroupWise 7 Installation Guidenovdocx (en) 22 June 2009C.6 June 15, 2006 (GroupWise 7 SP 1)Section 5.4.2, “Linux:Setting Up GroupWiseWebAccess,” on page 123Provided a link to TID 3248145 in the Novell Support Knowledgebase(http://www.novell.com/support) that provides instructions for installingWebAccess on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.Section 6.4.2, “Linux:Setting Up GroupWiseMonitor,” on page 147Provided a link to TID 3248145 in the Novell Support Knowledgebase(http://www.novell.com/support) that provides instructions for installingMonitor on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.Location ChangeInstallSection 2.1, “GroupWiseAdministration Requirements,”on page 21Added support of 64-bit/x86 processors; modified the Safari version inthe list of supported Web browsers; removed Epiphany from the list ofsupported Web browsers.Section 2.2, “GroupWiseClient Requirements,” onpage 22Added Mac OS X on Intel to the list of supported desktop operatingsystems; modified the Safari version in the list of supported Webbrowsers; removed Epiphany from the list of supported Web browsersSection 2.3, “SupportedEnvironments,” on page 23Listed support for PolyServe Matrix Server on Linux and for virtualmachines.“Domain Context” on page 32 Clarified that the Domain object can be created in any Organization orOrganizational Unit container in any context in the eDirectory tree.“Post Office Context” onpage 37Clarified that the Post Office object can be created in any Organizationor Organizational Unit container in any context in the eDirectory tree.Section 4.3.3, “Selecting theInternet Agent InstallationDirectory,” on page 86Clarified that it’s best to install the Internet Agent on the same serverwhere the domain directory is located.“Linux: Starting the InternetAgent” on page 97Added an example of how to stop and disable Postfix before starting theLinux Internet Agent.Section 5.3.1, “DecidingWhere to Install theGroupWise WebAccessComponents,” on page 109Added some best practice information about installing the WebAccessAgent on a remote server.“Installing the GroupWiseAgents Using the Text-BasedInstallation Program” onpage 177Expanded the information about the text-based GroupWise Installationprogram to include all GroupWise agents; explained using ssh forinstalling to a remote server.“Starting the Linux GroupWiseAgents as Daemons” onpage 180Expanded the information about the grpwise script; added that theWebAccess Agent and its accompanying Document Viewer Agent arenow controlled by the grpwise script; indicated that the GroupWiseLinux agents are now Run Control compliant; indicated that theMessenger agents are also controlled by the grpwise script.“Changing the Non-root User”on page 184Added instructions for changing the user that the agents run as whenthey are running as a non-root user.Location Change