Installing the GroupWise Internet Agent 85novdocx (en) 22 June 2009 Section 4.3.10, “Linux Installation Options: LDAP Information and Clustering,” on page 89 Section 4.3.11, “Windows Installation Options: Service vs. Application and SNMP Traps,” onpage 90To help with the above tasks, you can also review the GroupWise Wiki (, which includes a Best Practices section.IMPORTANT: If you plan to install the Internet Agent in a clustered server environment, refer tothe GroupWise 7 Interoperability Guide ( as you planyour Internet Agent installation.4.3.1 Selecting the Internet Agent PlatformThe Internet Agent is available as a NetWare NLMTM program, a Linux executable, and a Windowsexecutable.4.3.2 Gathering Server InformationPrior to GroupWise 7, the Internet Agent and the MTA communicated by transferring message filesthrough message queue directories, as shown in diagrams in GroupWise 7 Troubleshooting 3:Message Flow and Directory Structure ( “Mapped/UNC Link: Outbound Transfer to the Internet Successful” “Mapped/UNC Link: Inbound Transfer from the Internet Successful”Starting in GroupWise 7, you can configure the Internet Agent so that it uses TCP/IP tocommunicate with the MTA, instead of message files, as shown in these additional diagrams: “TCP/IP Link: Outbound Transfer to the Internet Successful” “TCP/IP Link: Inbound Transfer from the Internet Successful”The Internet Agent Installation program needs to know the network address of the server where theInternet Agent will run. For best performance, install the Internet Agent on the same server with thedomain it belongs to. In this configuration, in a GroupWise system with a single Internet Agent,UNC links between the Internet Agent and the MTA are sufficient. Therefore, the Internet AgentInstallation program displays a default port number of 0 (zero), indicating that TCP/IP will not beused.In a larger GroupWise system with multiple Internet Agents, you can configure the Internet Agent tocommunicate with the MTA by way of TCP/IP. This configuration enables you to designate analternate Internet Agent for the domain. With this configuration, if the domain’s primary InternetAgent goes down, the MTA can fail over to another Internet Agent in your GroupWise system untilthe primary Internet Agent is up and running again. This feature is especially useful in largerGroupWise systems where multiple Internet Agents handle a large number of Internet messages.GROUPWISE INTERNET AGENT INSTALLATION WORKSHEETUnder Item 1: Software Platform, mark whether you plan to install the Internet Agent on NetWare, Linux,or Windows. Review Section 4.2, “Internet Agent System Requirements,” on page 83 to ensure that thespecific server you have selected meets the listed requirements.