166 GroupWise 7 Installation Guidenovdocx (en) 22 June 2009If you are installing the Linux GroupWise agents on PolyServe Matrix Server, the Linux GroupWiseInstallation program does not assist you with the setup. See the GroupWise 7 Interoperability Guide(http://www.novell.com/documentation/gw7) for installation instructions.7.3.8 Windows Installation Options: Service vs. Applicationand SNMP TrapsWhen you install the Windows agents, you have choices about how the agents interact with theWindows operating system. “Service vs. Application” on page 166 “SNMP Traps” on page 167Service vs. ApplicationWhen you run the GroupWise Windows agents as services, they can start automatically and runwithout a user interface.When you run the Windows agents as services, they must run under a specific Windows useraccount.When domains and post offices are located on the same server where you are installing the agents,the agents can run under the local system account. You can also display the agent server consoleswhen the agent software, directories, and databases are local.When domains and post offices are located on a remote server, you must specify a user with rights toaccess the domain and post office directories.GROUPWISE AGENT INSTALLATION WORKSHEETUnder Item 4: Configure GroupWise Agents for Clustering, mark whether or not you want to configure theLinux GroupWise agents for clustering using Novell Cluster Services. If you do, follow the installationinstructions provided in “Setting Up a Domain and a Post Office in a Linux Cluster” in Novell ClusterServices on Linux in the GroupWise 7 Interoperability Guide (http://www.novell.com/documentation/gw7), rather than the installation instructions in this guide.GROUPWISE AGENT INSTALLATION WORKSHEETUnder Item 8: Installation Options, mark Install as Windows Services if you want to run the agents asservices.Remote Windows Server: If the Windows agents need to log in to a another Windows server, provide aWindows username and password.Remote NetWare Server: If the Windows agents need to log in to a NetWare server, provide anexisting eDirectory username and password, or create a new account forthe agents, as described in “Creating a NetWare Account for Agent Access(Optional)” on page 170.