Installing GroupWise Agents 163novdocx (en) 22 June 20097.3.2 Selecting the Agent LocationRecord which GroupWise agents you plan to run on the selected server (POA, MTA, or both) andwhether you want to install the agents locally or remotely in relation to their directories anddatabases, as described in Section 7.1, “GroupWise Agent Overview,” on page 159.If the NetWare agents need to access their directories and databases on remote NetWare servers, youmust add configuration information to the agent startup files to provide the needed access. Use the /dn switch to specify the distinguished name of the agent object that was created along with theDomain or Post Office object. The remote servers must be in the same eDirectory tree as the serverwhere the agents are running.7.3.3 Selecting the Agent Installation DirectoryThe agent installation directory depends on the platform where you are installing the agents.Consider these platform-specific guidelines:GROUPWISE AGENT INSTALLATION WORKSHEETUnder Item 1: Agent Platform, mark whether you plan to install the agents on NetWare, Linux, orWindows. Review Section 7.2, “Agent System Requirements,” on page 161 to ensure that the specificserver you have selected meets the listed requirements.GROUPWISE AGENT INSTALLATION WORKSHEETUnder Item 2: Agents and Locations, mark the agents to install and their locations relative to thedirectories and databases they need to access.GROUPWISE AGENT INSTALLATION WORKSHEETUnder Item 2: Agents and Locations, for the NetWare agents, record the startup switches and settingsyou’ll need to add to the agent startup files after installation if you are installing the agents on a differentNetWare server from where their directories and databases are located.NetWare: When installing the NetWare agents, we recommend you use the sys:\system directoryon the NetWare server. This simplifies the use of startup files and ensures that the NLMprograms are in the server’s search path. If you use a different directory, you must add thatdirectory to the server’s search path.Linux: The Linux agents are automatically installed to /opt/novell/groupwise/agents.Windows: The default installation directory is c:\grpwise. However, you can install the agents toany directory you want.GROUPWISE AGENT INSTALLATION WORKSHEETUnder Item 3: Installation Path, record the directory where you want to install the GroupWise agentsoftware.