![Oce VarioLink 2221 User Manual Manual pdf 399 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3997182/4b38f6b37c0173d306f150391124d139399f.jpg)
Specifying management settings 10VarioLink 2221/2821/3621 10-51Specifying whether to enable access locks, and whether to enable thepassword rules (mode 469)Specify whether to lock access if the password is entered incorrectly, andspecify whether to apply the password rules.Factory settingsSpecifying settingsThe shaded cells represent the factory settings. The page numbers on theright refer to the descriptions of the corresponding functions.2 NoteFor the Access Lock function, refer to User manual [Copy Operations].If applying a password rule, the conditions that are required in thepassword are described below.8 alphanumeric characters (only 8 alphanumeric character for theadministrator password, and 8 alphanumeric characters or more for theuser authentication user password)Only passwords with the same characters are not allowed.Passwords that do not meet the password rule are not accepted. For thepassword rules, refer to User manual [Copy Operations].Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Setting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (HEX: 00)Bit Description Setting Description PageRefer-ence7 Specify whether tolock access when apassword (accounttrack and administra-tor passwords) is en-tered incorrectly threetimes.0 Does not lock access ----------1 Locks access6, 5 --------------------- 00 * Do not change these bitswhen specifying settingsfor this function.----------4 For security, specifywhether to apply apassword rule.0 Do not apply a passwordrule----------1 Apply a password rule3, 2, 1, 0 --------------------- 0000 * Do not change these bitswhen specifying settingsfor this function.----------