226 Chapter 8 The accounting functionAbout the account log file The number of times that twostaples were used in a job. Thisnumber does not include the staplesfrom the off-line stapler The number of finished sets. A set isfinished after the last sheet is sent tothe output destination A text string withmaximum length of 40characters. Thefollowing entries arestandardised:■ FINISHER■ OEM■ SPECIAL■ IBLM■ BASIC■ HCSYou can enter a descriptive name ofthe destination to which the jobswere sent. The following names arestandardised.■ FINISHER: Finisher■ OEM: External finisher■ SPECIAL: Upper output■ IBLM: Integrated booklet maker■ BASIC: Tray for proof prints■ HCS: Stacker The number of printed A4-likesheets (copy jobs or print jobs) thatonly contain black & whiteinformation. Inserts are counted asblack & white. The number of printed A4-likesheets (copy jobs or print jobs) thatcontain colour information. The number of printed A3-likesheets (copy jobs or print jobs) thatonly contain black & whiteinformation. Inserts are counted asblack & white. The number of printed A3-likesheets (copy jobs or print jobs) thatcontain colour information. The estimated total toner usage (inmilligrammes) by sheets that onlycontain black & white information.[73] The fields of the accounting log file (4 – 7)Field name Specification Description