233Edit the account ID fileThe information in the account ID file[74]After you change the account ID file, you must save the file. Then you can uploadthe account ID file to the Océ Smart Imager (see ‘Upload the account ID file’ onpage 234).The new file overwrites the file that is currently in use.[74] Account ID file informationColumn Data field Entry DescriptionA Record ID 4311(mandatoryfor each newrecord)Always start each new record with 4311.Note: The first record of theaccount ID file starts with 4310.This record contains generalinformation. Do not change ordelete the first record.B Account ID 1234567890(for example)A sequence of 1 to 10 digits that is attached toa job that identifies a user, department, projector customer.C Account name Department X(for example)After you enter the account ID on the operatorpanel, the system checks the account ID file fora matching account name. This name isdisplayed on the operator panel.When the account ID file does not contain amatching account name, the operator panelonly displays the account number.The account name field can contain amaximum of 40 characters.D Comment Maximummonthly printvolume:20,000 (forexample)The system administrator can use the commentfield for additional information. A commentfield can contain a maximum of 255 characters.