232 Chapter 8 The accounting functionEdit the account ID fileEdit the account ID fileIntroductionInformation for system administratorsThe account ID file is a .csv file. The name of the default account ID file isaccount-id.csv. You must download the account ID file from the Océ Smart Imagerto add, delete or edit records (see ‘Download the account ID file’ on page 231).Each record in the account ID file contains the following data fields.■ Record ID■ Account ID■ Account name■ Comment.The setting 'Field separator' in the Océ Smart Imager determines the type of fieldseparator. The field separator of the file can be a comma or a semicolon. Do not useboth a comma and a semicolon as a field separator in one file.When you use double quotes in a field, the system replaces the double quotes by 2double quotes. Otherwise, the system can not unambiguously identify the field.Note: An account ID file can contain a maximum of 2,000 records.Save or open the account ID fileWhen you click on the link of your account ID file, for example account-id.csv, adialogue box appears. You can now save or open the file.When you open the file, the screen shows the contents of the account ID file.