40 Chapter 3 Get to know the Océ VarioPrint® 2100/2110The icons of the main screenThe icon of the message section[14]The icons of the warning section[15]The media information iconsThe media section displays information about the media in the paper trays and aboutthe status of the paper trays. The operator panel displays different icons for standardpaper trays and dual paper trays.[14] Double-sheet detectionIcon DescriptionThe icon indicates that the double-sheet detection is disabled[15] The icons of the warning sectionIcon DescriptionThe toner level is OKThe toner icon is orange.The toner reservoir is almost empty. The toner reservoircontains toner for about 5,000 more pagesThe toner icon and the border are orange.The toner reservoir is emptyThe stapler level is OKThe staple icon is orange. One or more staplers are almostempty.The number of the stapler that is almost empty is highlightedin light orangeThe staple icon and the border are orange. One of the staplersis empty.The number of the empty stapler is highlighted in dark orangeThe external finisher is connected and readyThe external finisher is connected, but not ready (full oroff-line)Maintenance is required soon.The operator panel indicates the number of prints you canmake, with an accuracy of 1,000 prints, for example "4,000".This indicates that preventive maintenance is required withinthe next 4,000 prints.Maintenance is required within the next 1,000 prints.The system stops when service is required now (0 prints).