231Download the account ID fileThe account ID fileDownload the account ID fileIntroductionThe account ID file is a comma separated file (CSV) that contains the valid accountIDs and (optional) the matching account names that you need to enter on theoperator panel of the Océ VarioPrint® 2100/2110.When to doIf you want to check and/or change the account numbers that are stored in theaccount ID file, you can download the file to a local destination on your PC.Download the account ID file1. Select the 'Settings' tab in the Océ VarioPrint® 2100/2110 Settings Editor.2. Select 'Accounting'.3. Select 'ID file'.4. Select 'Download'.5. Right-click the link and use the 'Save as' option in the pop-up menu to save the fileto a destination of your choice.ResultAfter the download of the account ID file is completed, you can open and edit thefile in an application of your choice, for example Microsoft® Excel (see ‘Edit theaccount ID file’ on page 232). After you made the changes, you can upload the fileagain to the Océ Smart Imager (see ‘Upload the account ID file’ on page 234).